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St Michael's C of E Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome one and all to Year 2! We have a fantastic year ahead.

Our first unit of learning this year is called City to City. We will focus on being geographers and investigating some of the similarities and differences between London and Nairobi. We will look at the human and physical features of both cities and how these impact on living there. We will also be finding out about the location of the seven continents and five oceans of the world. We will explore the climate around the poles and equator and how this effects the habitats.

Our science unit is Living Things and their Habitats. Here we will continue exploring the transfer of energy between living things as food chains. We will explore how different habitats create different food chains and discover all about the micro-habit of the humble woodlouse.

As part of the traditional build-up to Christmas we will be performing our Infant Nativity. In the Spring terms we will be learning about the moon landing in 1969. We will be using our enquiry skills as historians to discuss photographs, newsreels, video footage and interviews with astronauts to try to interpret the past. To support our learning we will be having a twilight Year 2 Space Camp and hopefully we will be able to do some star gazing.

Throughout the year we will continue to develop our writing; both in formation and creativity. We will continue to write for different purposes and celebrate courageous use of language and the tenacity to try our best. Some of the many wonderful texts we will be using to support our reading and writing are The Tunnel by Anthony Browne, Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann, The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas, The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd and Emily Brown and the Thing by Cressida Cowell.


In Maths we will look for the patterns and relationships in the number system as well as learning different strategies to approach problem solving. We will begin to go beyond 100 and discover our times tables. We will learn to tell the time, measure length and mass, explore the features of 3D shapes and work out how to check you have the right change at the shops.

I am really excited to be able to watch the class grow in confidence and ability this year and look forward to telling you all about it! Thank you for all of your support with our Year 2 learning so far and your continued support in the future.

Mr Bailey